Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kodak Gold 100 Test: Star Trails

Kodak Gold 100 Test: Star Trail 1 by Nightfly Photography
Startrail image started in twilight, looking west-nw.  The center of the frame show the stars of northern Orion.  Tripod mounted Pentax Spotmatic II with 50mm f/1.4 SMC Takumar stopped down to f/4.8 60 minutes exposure on Kodak Gold 100 film.

In April I decided to test Kodak Gold 100 for astrophotography. With no opportunity for guided wide-field imaging, I decided to do a few star trails.  I was pleased with the outcome.  Gold 100 recorded some pretty faint star trails.  Color balance during the exposure was very good as well.  The film was processed at a local drug store and did a poor job on the prints.  These are scans of the original negatives, processed in C-41.

Kodak Gold 100 is not available at the corner drug store, but can be found as an imported film at major photography outlets.  It is not expensive.  I paid less than three dollars for a 24 exposure roll.

Kodak Gold 100 Test: Star Trail 2 by Nightfly Photography
Startrails under dark skies.  Looking East.  Tripod mounted Pentax Spotmatic II with 35mm f/3.5 SMC Takumar @ f/5.6 60 minutes exposure on Kodak Gold 100 film.


  1. I just purchased Kodak Elite Chrome 100 slide 36 exp, and looking forward to some great night-star photography work.

    1. That's great Jon. It will be great to see what you come up with. Enjoy Kodak transparency while you can.
